Monday, October 22, 2007

Goal: March 2008

At this rate, I'm never going to get out in the water. So I'm putting a goal down in writing. I'm shooting for catching my first waves in March of 2008.

Why wait so long? A few reasons:
  • I need to get in the kind of shape required to surf the Lake Superior waves, both because of the temperature and unpredictability of the lake.
  • I need to save up some cash to be able to buy a wetsuit, booties, hood and board. That's at least a $700 investment.
  • I'm waiting until March so that I can catch the Spring waves and not have to deal with the lows in January and February. I'm not a glutton for that kind of punishment.
I figure I need to shed about 50 pounds by then and build up my paddling muscles. March it is then.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I don't know, Tom. I think the extra blubber could help you stay warm.

But definitely harder to move about the way you need to.

Keep up the hard work! That is an awesome goal. But the major accomplishment would be KEEPING that weight off. I am like a roller coaster...UP & down.

Maybe a sport is an answer to that long term question of how to STAY healthy. I have thought about joining the women's soccer league....just thinking!